Fall 2024 Teaching Professional Development

Check back regularly for newly added sessions!

Professional/Faculty Learning Communities
New Faculty Academy

A year-long learning community for the 24/25 New Faculty Cohort. Includes bi-monthly sessions focused on teaching, scholarship, and service.

Faciliatators: Center for Teaching & Learning and the Office of Faculty Affairs

Bi-monthly Tuesdays, 9:00 am

Certificate for Online Instruction Academy

The Certificate for Online Instruction Academy provides a six-week opportunity for you to engage in an explorative journey that will lead to a certificate for teaching online. Our path is guided by backward design principles, fundamentals of effective online teaching and learning, theoretical understanding, practical application, and facilitator and peer feedback.

  • Asynchronous online, ~5-6 hours per week
  • Stipend provided by the Center for Teaching & Learning and a CSU Quality Learning & Teaching (QLT) 24/25 Grant
  • Note: Priority will be given to instructors who are teaching at least one online course in Fall 24 and/or Spring 25.

Facilitators: Center for Teaching Learning QLT Team

October 7 -November 17, 2024

Asynchronous online - Sign up no later than 9/9

Certificate for Online Instruction Academy Registration Here

Faculty Learning Community on Exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Teaching & Learning

This FLC takes as a starting point that generative artificial intelligence (genAI) presents a myriad of challenges and opportunities in higher education that are not yet well understood. And further, that colleges and universities have not reached any consensus about how and where genAI may fit in the higher ed landscape. Members of this FLC will have the opportunity to explore, review, and discuss emerging research, examine and critique uses of genAI tools / resources for education and research, and collectively consider potential implications for teaching and learning at Humboldt

  • 4 weeks
  • SIgn ups coming soon!

Late September-early November

Sign ups coming soon!  

Confidential, Non-Evaluative Feedback on Teaching
Mid-Semester Feedback ProgamA discovery process that solicits feedback from students on important aspects within a course to identify any possible changes that may have a positive impact on students' learning experiences.

Mid-Semester Feedback Request Form

Requests accepted through October 4th

Humboldt's Quality Learning & Teaching (QLT) Peer Review Program

Interested in non-evaluative, confidential feedback on your course?  

Facilitated by the CTL QLT Team

Open Call: Participate in the QLT Peer-Review Process 

Course Equity Ratio Report 

The Humboldt Course Equity Ratio Report (CERR) offers a confidential exploration of your historical course data to investigate trends and/or patterns. The Office of Institutional Research, Analytics, and Reporting (IRAR) website is a great place to begin your exploration around course data, such as success rates, equity gaps, and other valuable information to inform your course and pedagogy

Step 1: Download the Course Equity Ratio Report (CERR) Request Template and fill it out

Step 2: Request a Course Equity Ratio Report through the Data Request Link and be sure you attach your spreadsheet. Note: CERRs are only for the instructor of record.  If you wish to include sections from another instructor, approval from the other instructor and the Dean is required. The report will be provided within one to two weeks. 

Step 3: Feel free to meet with a CTL team member to discuss findings, ideas, and strategies


Teaching Pairs

Teaching Pairs is an opportunity to pair up with a peer and provide non-evaluative feedback using one of the Instructional Observation Guides on the Academic Personnel Services website. While these are for feedback only, you may choose to add the feedback that you receive from your peer to your portfolio.

Reach out to the CTL and we can set up a peer partnership

Ongoing Professional Learning Anytime/Anywhere: CTL Instructional Hub

Login to the Hub for a variety of learning modules for teaching and engaged learning

Self-enroll in the CTL Instructional Hub


New Lecturer Orientation

Fall 2024 orientation to teaching at Humboldt; supporting new lecturers in preparing their courses and making connections to Humboldt and peers

Contact CTL for details

Annual Teaching Excellence Symposium


An opportunity to share your stories of teaching excellence, inspiration, innovation, and impact as a Cal Poly Humboldt educator

Spring 2025

CSU Quality Learning & Teaching (QLT) Courses

Fall 2024 CSU Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Training + AI Tools for Teaching & Learning

Did you know that Humboldt is a QLT Campus? Learn how to apply the QLT to your course as a self-reflective tool and/or a tool to receive non-evaluative feedback on your course.

CSU Online Course Services offers FREE Professional Development Courses

Please register for a Professional Development course of your choice:

  • AI Tools for Teaching & LearningIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence tools where guided experimentation empowers participants to understand some of the basics of AI functionality, including its workings and methods for detecting its usage. See more details at CSU Online Course Services
  • Introduction to Teaching Online using QLT: Introduction to teaching online with the CSU QLT rubric representing the 9 sections of QLT
  • Advanced QLT Course in Teaching Online: Advanced QLT course in creating a course and module structure that is in alignment with course objectives, incorporates social presence, equity-minded strategies, engagement strategies in synchronous and asynchronous activities, active learning with video, and alternative assessments. 

Sign up for a QLT Training by registering on the CSU Online Course Services website