Panopto at Cal Poly Humboldt

Panopto is available for faculty, staff and student use 

Panopto is an easy way to record and share videos at Cal Poly Humboldt. 

With Panopto, you can:

  • create and share videos with students in your classes, the whole university, the whole world, or someone you provide the link to
  • stop uploading your videos to YouTube
  • access your Zoom recordings
  • have captions that are much better/more accurate than YouTube's captions
  • use a search tool to find terms in a video
  • embed interactives, such as quizzes with feedback (capturing grades if you'd like) and H5P activities
  • find and use feature films and documentaries from the Panopto Media Library in your course

Getting Started

Accessing Panopto

You can access Panopto in two different ways:

  1. Directly in Canvas via the Panopto Video menu item or anywhere you have access to the rich content editor. This method is generally preferrable for instructors and students when making or sharing videos in Canvas courses.
  2. Via the Cal Poly Humboldt Panopto Dashboard. Login with your Humboldt SSO, using your campus user/password.

Take a little time and click around the interface and familiarize yourself with Panopto's tools and search features.

View or download the following guides:

Create a Video

Record, Upload & Save!

Follow these steps to record a video and save it to your preferred folder.

You will learn how to select the camera, audio input, screens, windows, tabs, background, layout, tags, and more.

Download the guide:

Students can also get in on the action. Here's a guide that explains how to record a video or podcast in Panopto and then submit it in Canvas:

Download Videos from Panopto

Need to download a video from Panopto for editing, uploading to YouTube, or just to have a copy on your hard drive? Maybe you need other people to download your video?

Find out how by viewing or downloading the following guides:

Working with Zoom and Panopto

The default location of your Zoom recordings is your Panopto's My Folder. Whether you're a student, a lecturer, a faculty member, or staff, you can view and share your Zoom recordings from Panopto.

Fun Fact for Instructors: Did you know that you can set up your Panopto account so that future Zoom recordings are automatically sent to your Canvas course and readily available to students? Read on!

View or download the following guides:

Edit & Share a Video

Fine Tune and Distribute a Video

You have several options for finalizing and sharing your video, including:

  • designating parts of the video not to be played (non-destructive editing)
  • adding other content — video, audio and public videos — as streams
  • adding a PPT presentation
  • editing auto-generated captions

View or download the guides:


View or download the guides:

Create Quizzes in Panopto

Provide and/or Grade Them in Canvas

Add quizzes to your Panopto videos to help engage students in active learning!

Manage Access to Videos in Panopto

You can decide how visible you want your videos to be in Panopto. Using Panopto's sharing permissions, you can make your videos visible to just one person or everyone who has your video's link. 

View or download the following guide:

Copy and/or Move Videos in Panopto

Like Google Drive and your desktop computer, Panopto is set up using a file system, which allows you to organize your videos. You can move or copy your videos to different folders.

View or download the following guides to find out how:

Panopto Media Library

Incorporate videos into your courses with the Panopto Media Library!