How to Share a Panopto Video with Specific People

Located the video in Panopto, and hover your cursor over the video's thumbnail until a menu appears. Click on the Share button, which looks like an angle with dots.

Screenshot of Panopto video thumbnail with video settings menu displayed and an arrow pointing at the Share button.


A pop-up window will appear. In this window, under People and groups, is a text field. Underneath that is information about people and groups who already have access to the video.

Screenshot of a Panopto video settings popup window open to the "Share" tab.


In the text field under People and groups, type in the name of a person you want to give access to the video. 

Screenshot of the "Add People and groups" field with a name typed into it.


Based on the name you start typing, a suggested user list will appear for you to select the correct person from.

IMPORTANT: When selecting a person from the suggested user list, if Who can access this video is set to Only specific people and groups, make sure to select the person’s Panopto account instead of their email.

The Panopto account is displayed as unified\[person’s Humboldt ID] | [person’s email].


Screenshot of the "People and groups" field suggested user list with the suggested user's Panopto account profile selected.


Select the person from the list and hit enter. The person has been added to the list of People and groups who can access this video. Now you can choose whether to notify them of this by email.


Send an Email Notification

Once you have selected the person, you will have the option to notify them by automated email.

Screenshot of the automated email notification options that appear once you select a user from the "People and groups" suggested users list.

  • Notify them: Select this checkbox to send an automated email letting them know they have access to the video
  • Include table of contents and transcript if available: Select this checkbox to add the video’s table of contents and transcript to the automated email
  • Message: Type a custom message into the provided field to send to the person in the automated email

Click on the Send button after you have made your selections. 


Don't Send an Email Notification

Click on the Send an email to notify people toggle button to deselect it, and click on the Save button to save your changes.

Screenshot of the "Send an email to notify people" toggled off, so the automated email notification options aren't available.