
Assess your teaching using Mid-Semester Feedback or QLT Reviews.

Join Professional & Faculty Learning Communities, attend workshops, complete ongoing professional development, and more!

Find out how your colleagues are helping students to feel included in Higher Ed, and how you can help too!

QLT Reviews

QLT Reviews

A QLT review is a non-evaluative opportunity for confidential feedback on your design and teaching.

Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Reviews

Mid-Semester Feedback

Mid-Semester Feedback

Get feedback from your students to improve course outcomes!

Mid-Semester Feedback Program

CTL Workshops

Course Design Academy

Course Design Academy

A four-week online teaching professional experience that provides a comprehensive journey for you to learn/re-discover and apply backward design principles to your course(s), combining theoretical understanding with practical application and peer feedback.

Course Design Academy

Ongoing Professional Development

Ongoing Professional Development

The CTL offers self-paced professional development opportunites for faculty and staff.

Enroll in CTL Instructional Development Hub

Professional & Faculty Learning Communities

Professional & Faculty Learning Communities

The CTL's Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Program incude ongoing professional development opportunities for faculty and staff within a learning community model.

Professional & Faculty Learning Communities

Humanizing Online

Humanizing Online

Equity-focused online professional development program that prepares educators to teach more equitable online courses.

Humanizing Online STEM



A showcase of Cal Poly Humboldt faculty and staff who completed the 27 hour equity-based professional development ESCALA Certification for practitioners in Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs).

ESCALA Poster/Presentation Showcase

Faculty Scholarly Teaching Projects

Faculty Scholarly Teaching Projects

Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on Scholarly Teaching at Cal Poly Humboldt offers instructors the opportunity to produce evidence of teaching effectiveness that goes beyond student evaluations in order to ultimately support student success and outcomes. 

Faculty Scholarly Teaching Projects

New Faculty

New Faculty

The CTL's new faculty success program represents a robust and highly integrative approach to furthering faculty success, increasing retention, supporting faculty as they pursue tenure, and leveraging the insights and institutional experiences of tenured colleagues.

New Faculty

Faculty Showcases

Faculty Showcases

Faculty Stories

Faculty Stories

Faculty Stories make visible the work we do as educators: to recognize our efforts, and to share it with our colleagues.

Faculty Stories